On the Needles in May
April was a month of finishing! I completed my Wynne Shawl and the creature from Edward’s Imaginarium for my daughter. The hair on the creature took as long as doing the arms and legs combined! I also made two pairs of socks on my circular sock machine for a school raffle.
I continue to slowly move along on my Featherweight Cardigan. I find that I don’t pick this up as often as I should because I’m working it on the knitting belt and the extra step of putting on the knitting belt somehow keeps it from being easy to pick up. I’ve considered putting it on regular needles, but I’m afraid my gauge will change and also that I’ll never get good at the knitting belt technique if I bail now! I probably need to pick a time of day to work on it and stick to a schedule.

I’ve also got a new sweater swatched and ready to go. I’ll be making the On a Whim Custom Fit sweater by Amy Herzog in a fingering weight yarn I got from Expression Fiber Arts. As you can see from the wound yarn, I’ll need to alternate skeins throughout!
I’m making steady progress on my new shawl design. This will be more of a shawlette, but since it’s also meant to be a pattern to learn to knit lace, I think that’s going to be fine! I’m really loving the yarn I’m working with and can’t wait to see the final results!
A friend pointed me to the idea of crocheted water balloons, so I’ve also been playing with some super bulky yarn and spinning up my own pattern for these great toys. They don’t fill with water, but the Bernet Blanket yarn becomes really saturated so they make a very satisfying splat when they hit something (or someone). And no scraps of balloon to hurt the animals. And endlessly reusable! Look for my version of the pattern in an upcoming blog post!